How to Cook Gluten-Free: The Basics


Embracing a gluten-free lifestyle is crucial for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. This simple quick guide delves into the essentials of gluten-free cooking, covering everything from setting up your kitchen to whipping up delicious recipes.

The Basics of Gluten-Free Cooking

Cooking gluten-free is more than substituting gluten-containing ingredients with gluten-free alternatives. It’s about understanding the process to avoid cross-contamination and ensuring that meals are safe for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

For more details, see our guide on “Gluten-Free Meal Prep”.

Common Gluten-Free Cooking Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

To make gluten-free cooking smoother and more enjoyable, be mindful of common pitfalls:

  • Gluten-Free Flour Alternatives: It’s key to realize that a mix of flours is often necessary for gluten-free cooking and baking.
  • Carbs vs. Gluten: It’s important to remember that gluten-free doesn’t mean carb-free. Gluten-free diets exclude certain grains like wheat, barley, and rye but still embrace carb-rich foods such as rice and potatoes.
  • Understanding Gluten-Free Flours: Getting to know how various gluten-free flours behave in recipes can help prevent unexpected results.

Kitchen Setup for Gluten-Free Cooking

A gluten-free friendly kitchen setup is vital to prevent cross-contamination:

  • Use designated gluten-free zones and utensils.
  • Store gluten-free ingredients separately from gluten-containing ones.

Gluten-Free Ingredients and Flours

A variety of gluten-free grains and flours are essential for successful gluten-free cooking:

  • Grains: Rice, amaranth, sorghum, and gluten-free oats.
  • Flours: Almond meal, chickpea flour, and coconut flour.

Simple Gluten-Free Recipes to Get You Started

Explore easy gluten-free recipes:

  • Rice Bowl: A base of cooked rice, topped with sautéed vegetables and grilled chicken or tofu.
  • Quinoa Salad: Cooked quinoa mixed with chopped vegetables, lemon, and olive oil.

For more gluten-free cooking inspiration, check out our “Gluten-Free Meal Prep” guide, full of tips and recipes to simplify your dietary transition.


Is oatmeal gluten-free?

Yes, but ensure it’s labeled as gluten-free to avoid cross-contamination.

Can I use regular baking recipes and just swap in gluten-free flour?

Not directly. Gluten-free flours often require different quantities and additional binding agents.

How do I prevent gluten-free baked goods from becoming too dry?

Add moistening agents like apple sauce or increase the liquid amount slightly.


By adhering to these guidelines, cooking gluten-free can be a rewarding experience, offering a variety of delicious and safe meals for those needing or choosing to avoid gluten.

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